Our 8 step client on-boarding process was designed to create clarity around your finances and formalize the client experience. At the conclusion of this process, you will receive an action oriented financial plan and blueprint for success moving forward.


We want our clients to know exactly what they get when they work with us. It is far too common to engage with a financial planner and not understand what happens next. The Activate Your Wealth Process sets the stage for our working relationship.


Financial planning at Activate Wealth works best for busy professionals and families who maintain an annual household income greater than $200,000. Our clients are beginning to face increasingly complex financial situations with less and less time to manage them.



step 1


Acknowledge you may benefit from partnering with a financial professional. You are looking to save time, streamline your finances, and take initiative in building wealth for your family. As a busy professional, you want a financial planner that understands YOU and YOUR needs.

Step 2


Schedule a time for us to have a 15 minute intro call. We will learn a little bit about each other and decide if you could benefit from our solutions. If we aren’t a good fit, we are happy to refer you to a financial planner that better serves your unique needs.

Step 3

Team Meeting

Schedule a 1 hour discovery meeting with Activate Wealth. The primary objective of this meeting is to dig into your goals, values, and financial needs. We want to answer any questions you have about our solutions and give you all the information you need to feel comfortable moving forward as a client of Activate Wealth.

Step 4


Investigate your future during our 1 hour deep dive meeting. During this meeting, we are going to dig into your relationship with money. This is where our process gets intentionally personal. A lot of financial planning is about deciding “what” to do. This meeting is all about the “why”.

Step 5


Visualize the opportunities building wealth will create for you and your family. Consider what you will do with your time and energy now that you have outsourced your financial to do list. During this phase, there will likely be some emails and quick phone calls between us to gain clarity on your situation. Things that often come up in this phase are prioritization of multiple goals and operational items (i.e. navigating the client portal, providing necessary planning documents, and/or coordinating with outside providers).

Step 6


Together, we will analyze your comprehensive financial plan at our presentation meeting.  At the end of this meeting, you will walk away with a detailed financial plan, prioritized action items, and the next steps for implementation. Take this time to ask all the clarification questions you need.

Step 7

Think it over

Take some time to think about your initial financial plan. Do you agree with the recommendations? Do they feel aligned with your personal goals and values? What questions do you still have? Are there any adjustments you would like to make? 

Step 8


Now it’s all about execution! During our last on-boarding meeting, we will answer any outstanding questions and set mutual expectations for our ongoing relationship. Activate Wealth will now serve as your personal CFO and implementation partner. Your finances and goals are ever changing and we are thrilled to help you navigate it all.


The first step in our Activate Your Wealth Process is to schedule a complimentary 15 minute intro call. This call will provide a great framework for our relationship and allow us to get to know each other. Simply pick a time that works well for you and we will be on our way!


Still not sure if you are a good fit for our services? Check out our mock client scenarios or a detailed overview of our solutions

We work specifically with busy working professionals from their late 20s to early 40s. That means we ARE NOT a retirement focused firm. Your primary focus right now is not retirement, and it shouldn’t be. Your focus is trying to balance enjoying your life now and preparing for the future. We want to help you start the wealth building process early in your career. 

We believe in a low cost and long term investment strategy. Our primary goals when investing your money will be to keep taxes and expenses low, reduce trading costs, and align your portfolio with specific goals. We DO NOT attempt to time or beat the market. If you are looking for the next “hot stock”, you are in the wrong place.  We believe in constructing a diversified portfolio that is in sync with your specific goals (i.e. saving for a down payment on a beach house or funding future college expenses).


Want to learn more about Activate Wealth and see if you may benefit from our solutions? Schedule your 15 minute intro call here: